Friday, April 11, 2008

Risky business this gardening!

April 2nd saw the opening of the Melbourne Garden Show.

Being their 13th annual show my daughter said "let's go, that's my LUCKY NUMBER"
We chose to fly there at 6am and fly home at 9pm, sounded great!
April 2nd was the day of the Cyclonic winds that closed the Melbourne Garden Show and caused fatalities and widespread damage in Melbourne and Tasmania!!!
My two daughters and myself flew out of Tasmania with no problems, bit of turbulence but nothing to worry us. We witnessed a wonderful sunrise from above the clouds, and always love watching the countryside lit up with lights, very pretty indeed.
The rear exit from the plane was abandoned due to high winds , this was our first inkling of what was to come.
Had a light breakfast at Tullamarine Airport and then caught a taxi to the Show. I just sat back and soaked up all the sights as we drove along. I have been to Melbourne only once before and can't remember very much about it because it was so long ago.
The moment we walked through the gate I had my camera out. Stalls selling garden crafts lined the paths. I was inspired first off. Then I ran into Don Burke (Bourkes Backyard program) and shook his hand and had a little chat, as you do!!!!

Suddenly the stalls end and we are surrounded by the magical world of garden art in the form of 'sculptures' or artistic forms that dot the open green lawn area. My camera hardly had time to focus (blink and wink etc) between pictures, I felt I had to run between each exhibit, my daughters constantly stirred me on the amount of time I spent with the camera to my eye! I would have liked to spend a couple of days there, so instead of missing out I took HEAPS of pics so I could come home and load them up to drool in peace!

Here are a couple of my favourites.

This 'shower' sculpture is made entirely from string! an amazing piece of artwork, the artist certainly 'thought outside the square' with this one!!

I found the 'Garden Settings' that this show is famous for were impressive, considering the situation. Of course some were 'nice' and understated but I really looked forward to the spectacular awe inspiring drop dead beautiful gardens and I wasn't disappointed!!!

This Japanese Waiting garden was a Gold Medal winner.

This more striking garden also won Gold.

We headed inside the Exhibition Building to view the floral displays and demonstrations. I wasn't disappointed again, but even though I enjoyed this area I was looking forward to more outside exhibitions for ideas to take home.

ALAS an announcement ove the loud speakers told us that the entire show has been cancelled due to extreme winds and we were to make our way to the exits immediately!!!! Everyone from outside had ventured indoors at this stage so getting out of this building was a very long process. It took even longer to get a refund for our ticket.

We took our refund and headed to Melbourne Central to have a nice lunch at the Groove Train, the meal was top notch, the bottle of wine went down well and the atmosphere was warm, relaxing and well remembered. Unlike the atmosphere outside!

Melbourne was experiencing Cyclonic strength winds, with one fatality already by the time we left to try and get to the airport. We lined up for a taxi at Flinders Street Station, ha ha not a chance....we got drenched and traffic was at a standstill. We power walked to Southern Cross Station and were very lucky to walk straight on to the Sky bus to the airport.

High drama being averted, we arrived in time to do a little window shopping. But forgetting to check the time at the last minute we had to make a dash to the boarding gate, all out of breath and relieved that we had checked in this morning on the way over to save time, they informed us that the boarding gate had been changed (due to the wind) and we had to run to the other end of the airport to get our plane.

We thoroughly deserved our bottles of sparkling wine and cheese and crackers!!!! It was a little turbulent getting up above the wind storm! Comming down into Tasmania was the same.

Next day I checked the yard out and thought something was a little amiss, the 'cyclone' wire fence had nearly fallen over onto my car and the wood paling fence on the other side of the house had come adrift.

The 'girls' (chooks) were perfectly ok and no other damage was to be found, thank goodness.

When we heard all the stories about Melbourne and Tasmania I think we were very lucky to have even got half way around the garden show. But it was all worth it, I would do it again tomorrow!

Thank God (!) we didn't need this facility, my daughter lookes pleased to have found the sign.
happy gardening,

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nothing much stays the same around here, just when you think its all the same old same old, you have different kind of days than before!!! For instance, I said bye to Jack the horse, he literally went to greener pastures, just up the road for awhile. He was looking very handsome and had put on some weight. Here is a picture of him the day before he left.

He made a couple of 'dips' in the wire fence around my vegetable patch trying to get to the old corn stalks, and I had to wrap the pear tree up in shade cloth but other than that he caused no damage and saved me mowing the area.

The way I look at it I put the raw materials in one end and get the finished product out the other!!!

The vegetable patch is looking great, and the very thick layer of 'old' manure is keeping the moisture in and improving the plants.

They say you should dig it in immediately to prevent the nitrogen being released as a gas but my way of thinking is that it was long gone before I picked it up in the barrow!!!

Eight Black Cockatoos just flew past the window, this means rain and lots of it. It's an old wives tale but always works here, and a thunderstorm is just about to break overhead.


I don't know why, all but Bindi have lost their tail feathers?!! Seems strange. They have just started to lay again, I get two to three eggs a day, and Easter Sunday I got two plain and two foil covered chocolate ones in the one nest!!!! :)

My resolve to stop feeding the girls from the back verandah has not lasted long. Visitors are just as hard to train. I will have to put a big 'DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS' sign up (to remind me too)! I have just scrubbed the back verandah and when the hot water hits the 'deposits' it is not a very pleasant smell :( !!!

My new herb garden is doing very well and I use it every couple of days. The little black net guards are working wonderfully. I am going to have to do something like that in the vegetable patch because a 'critter' has been in to eat a couple of tomatoes, carrot tops, celery, spring onions, lettuce and beet roots. My dad gave me a large spool of twine (like string) and said if I criss crossed it around some sticks all through the vegetable beds the birds and most animals won't get through it, but I should be able to pull weeds. It is worth a try.

My landscaping in the backyard near my new creek is comming along slowly but surely, every pay day I buy more edging and change my mind on exactly what I am going to do around the big pond area. I am tossing up whether to lay pavers or just gravel the area to level it for some table and chairs, it's a great little sun trap in the cooler months and a shade sail or pergola will be a great addition in the summer.

The days are getting very short now but it is still lovely and warm, they say 24 today but I think it's more, and humid, that thunderstorm has arrived.

I am off to Melbourne for the big flower show, Floriana, I will come back with some brilliant ideas for landscaping and lots of hints and tips for vegie growing maybe,

till then...bye for now.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ending on an UP, after the ups and downs lately!

Can't believe its been 3 weeks since I last wrote, I seem to be very busy but not really doing anything that you can see for it?!


Chickadee 'the diva' has finally come off the 'throne', she appears to have fallen to the bottom of the pecking order because she gets a peck or two from all the others now and she is very skittish round the group. But looks very glamourous still!

Rough Red has improved so much (apart from one area), I may take another picture of her next time to brag about the improvement, that is unless Chickadee takes to her in the meantime!

Her legs are still a worry, the vaseline treatment didn't seem to work or maybe its because it was so messy I didn't use it often enough. So I have changed to vegetable oil in a squeeze bottle because her legs are getting worse.

Black Betty is plodding along very nicely, she is almost as friendly as Red. Betty and Red look for some interaction from me during the day, the others just want food!!

Bindi is the only one producing eggs. Ever since 'The Diva' took up residence on the 'throne' I have only had 1 egg a day! But a friend said her chooks have gone off the lay too.

It was getting ridiculous when I walked out the back door, they would swamp me for food, and wheat would not do! They used to push the back door open if it was ajar and tiptoe inside! Yes I am telling the truth, I used to hear soft little tap, tap, taps from their toenails on my vinyl flooring! It took awhile but I got them used to the idea that all they got through the day was a bit of wheat thrown on some bare patches either in their chook run or on some grass up near the house. Every couple of days I boil up some vegetable scrapes and have a good fridge clean out I put some mash in it while it is still warm and pop it in a bowl for them, they go crazy for about 5 minutes and eat about half of it. The will eat beans now if they are cooked and potato peels, pumpkin is a favourite with most but Red still goes 'off' on feta cheese and olives, (you can tell she is my chook!) I don't feed them anything that is ' green' and 'furry', I worry about salmonela poisioning so I toss doubtful food in the rubbish or compost pile. They seem content with this diet now, they get excited over me scattering some wheat around and don't care much for bulk amounts on the feed tray. They really are true scratchers hey!

There are no more barley and molassas feeds for Jack the horse now he is back to a good weight, so they miss out on their little treat of left overs. Jack is looking really good now, the extra hay and dry lucerne (from a massive bag) have helped but I think he is getting spoilt too. Every time I go down the back he whinneys and snorts and stands near the feed bag waiting for another portion. I have been giving him 3 or 4 bowls of it a day and a biscuit of hay with it but he always wants more. I remind you that it is only a supplement, the owners come every day (?!) to give him some hay, they don't mind the extra feeds I give him. Now he has been kicking his feed bowl...a baby bath...and deliberately knocking over his water bucket! I caught him the other day when he didn't know I was watching, he was impatient for his lunch treat.

I will have to wean him off some feeds as soon as the grass is a bit longer in the blocked off section. or get the owners to drop off more hay so I know he is not hungry and he is just needing some interaction with me.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I was away for most of the week working or holidaying? !!

My poor unnamed fish has turned 3 years old this week! and apart from a regular feed now, he requires no more care till I get him into his new home. I am too scared to name him as I don't have much luck with fish.

My girlfriend asked me to babysit her 3 Zebra fish while her and hubby went for a weeks holiday, sounds pretty simple, she gave me a bottle of red wine to thank me and brought their pebbles and some plants down so they felt at home. She helped me set up the salad bowl I was using for a tank and settled them in before she headed off. I went down to the vegie patch and after an hour I came up and to my horror, I found one had died!!! He was floating on the top and another one was head up tail down, looking ill!! I ran outside and grabbed some water out of the creek to put the others in. If you have tank water the two different metals between the roof and the metal tank cause a chemical reaction and it is toxic to the fish unless left for 3 days to 'air out', it had rained the night before so I thought the water would be fresh enough and it would be ok to use. My friend thought the same, because she never has to worry about it at all, I don't think she really believed it could be a problem. Anyway despite my best efforts within 2 hours they were all dead!!! :(

I could have cried. I had a week to stew over what to do. Three new Zebra fish were bought because I couldn't stand the thought of her comming in to get them and there was an empty bowl. And these ones were prettier and were faster than 'racing fish' with blue stripes down the sides and all. But she declined them when I told her over the phone, they go away a lot and she was worried about having fish to care for anyway. Guess it was meant to happen but wish it wasn't at my house!!

I love the new fish but it hasn't been plain sailing either. I was given a friends whole shell collection and decided they would look good in the salad bowl instead of pebbles. I soaked and washed and made sure they were not salty and were clean. I stored some tap water for 3 or 4 days and then made the switch.... next morning I looked in and they looked green and appeared to have some internal bleeding under their chins!!!! I rushed them to the creek water again, to cut a long story short, they survived and now they are back in their bowl, shells and all and are thriving...I have no idea what it was but they are ok.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chickadee is modeling herself on Queen Elizabeth 2nd, I believe, they both are going to try for the 'Guiness Book of Records' for the longest amount of time on the 'Throne'!

It's been over two weeks now, I pick her up and put her in front of the food bowl, and sometimes she has a few hours running around the backyard! When I say run, I mean like a chook with its head cut off, like a kid on raspberry cordial, like that balloon you blew up and let go without tying the end! You get the idea? She absolutely Then back to the nest and acts all sombre and royal. She is losing condition too, not as plump as she was, but not skin and bones either.

Rough Red was looking pretty good but I think she has had a fight with something overnight because her tail feathers are a bit something has chewed them!! and there are a couple of feathers that only have the spine left, who said keeping pets were a good way to ease stress!!!!

Which brings me to the 'guest pet' Jack, where do I I have said before I got some hay to supplement his feed between meals. I took him a biscuit at 8 am yesterday and he was fine. I fed the chooks some mash and checked everythng was in order in garden and hen house then came up for breakfast and some housework.

At 10.30 I went back down and popped my head over the fence, shock horror, Jack was laying down and rolling his eyes, mouth open, head fighting to stay off the ground and there were marks all around him like he was biting the ground and pawing it with his hooves. My heart leapt into my throat, I ran and got a biscuit and called him, no response, now I know he's ill, couldn't contact the owner so drove to her house and found her, she followed me home. When I got back Jack was standing near the gate eyeing the hay on the other side of the fence like nothing had happend, except he had wet sand clinging to his whole side and face and neck where he had been laying down. We didn't believe it, I could have jumped the fence and cuddled him. But I am still a bit toey round him.

He is still fine today. Evidently he lays down sometimes and he looks ill but is perfectly ok. Sunbaking sometimes. But not this time.

The creek is comming along well, I am finding more and more plants and other fill ins but need lots of ground covers to cover the black plastic. So far it has only cost me $60 (for the pump) the plastic was a left over I found in the shed. No need for it to be all the one piece, as it is on a slope and overlapping is good enough, no leaks! I grow cuttings for plants instead of buying new so I will keep costs down to practically nothing. Here are some pictures I took today.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Psycho chooks!!!

Never a dull moment here at ' nana's zoo'. The Diva is still sooking, spread out on a nest that contains only a golf ball....hehe wonder what that will hatch. Might paint little eyes and a mouth on it with a marker!! I spotted her the other day, off her nest and jumping up to get the low hanging grapes that cover the chook shed. She spotted me and went back to her nest so I picked a bunch of grapes and put them near her beak where she lay, not even a cluck from her! Now I know where all the lower grapes have disappeared to, saw black betty going for some too, and that bird sure can jump!!

I bought some wheat for them...mmmm yeah I know I said they can just free range and eat scraps but they really were getting into all the wrong places....looking for scraps...(like under my bed) !!! They didn't like the mash so much any more, but it will be good in winter for them, when I add warm water...they went psycho when I put the wheat down, and for two days I hardly saw them...they ate so much they slept under trees most of the day...maybe that's where all the eggs are.... now the bugs have a chance to regroup and breed up ready for the next onslaught of the psycho chooks!
Must say Red is looking a lot better now that Chickadee (diva) is out of action. Her feathers have started growing back from the head area to halfway down her back, the vaseline treatment seems to have worked too, she is not pecking at her feet as much.

BUT!! My grandaughter Amber was checking Black Betty on her lap the other day and suddenly screwed up her face and went ooohhh... "Black Betty has dandruff"! I asked her to keep looking to see if it had legs or guessed right, except for the Diva, they all have mites, or lice whatever you call them. Groan, now what chemical do I have to buy and pour all over them to control these nasty little critters?, my dad suggested whitewashing the chookshed, that's what he did in the old days (he's over 80) he thinks they used to wipe them over with a 'rag dipped in kerosine' too...I wouln't even do that to the Diva..hehe, instead of spending time doing this I should be checking the net out for an organic cure.
Amber kept checking and suddenly looked up with a concerned serious look on her face and said "NANA, THEY HAVE ANTS TOO" another quick look and with a serious nod and a sigh confirmed this fact. Do they make flea collars for chooks....the way things are going I ought to hang some garlic round their necks to ward off vampires while I am at it...

The chooks and Jack the horse get along really well, his owners bring food for him every day as there is no grass growing yet, when it's 'barley and molasses in the old baby bath' day, the chooks come running, eagerly they line up for the left overs!
A full size horse eats a lot in a day and Jack broke my heart watching him just standing there waiting for meal time. There is nothing for him to look at or anything for him to do (not that he is into chess or anything) no grass to just graze away the day, so I decided to remove part of the chooks back fence and let him in to graze, there is grass in there because the spoilt chooks won't eat it and because they are free range they don't go there at all. I had a bit of trouble moving the big gate to the side, Jack wouldn't move out of my way and kept putting his head over it to see if I had some grass for him!!!!! - I must point out now that 'I AM REALLY SCARED OF HORSES AND CATTLE' - I summoned up all my strength and bravery and succeded in making an opening, he moved in and didn't stop eating for about an hour. One very happy Jack. My house mate got hold of a bale of hay and we feed it to him in between his other feeds.
After I fed Jack some scraps (old corn cobs and husks) I noticed he was still hungry so I got a 'biscuit' of hay and held it up in the chook pen for him to come in and eat...he forgot that the fence was partly open and hung his head over it...I had to go right up the other end and entice him round...I walked in front with it so I could get him into where I wanted him.. I was very brave.. the faster I walked the faster he walked I looked back and he was breathing down my neck, by the time I reached the spot -I think I was galloping!!!!
He would never hurt me I know that but my heart still races when I am near him.

It occured to me this morning that now I have removed part of the back fence in the chook pen the chooks can come and go as they wish, no need to wait on me to open the front door!!! ( the fence was easily hopped over by them anyway but they never bothered). But not these chooks, no back door for them, they were all there in line waiting for me...I sneak down there some mornings, just to spy on them but no matter how quiet I am, they know I am comming. One of them will start clucking and then all of them shuffle round the front door, I have to be careful opening the door inwards, as I have knocked Bindi off her feet before with it.

We have had some great rain this week and the vegies are looking good, I put barrow loads of horse manure on most of the beds, it wasn't too fresh but I hope it I didn't overdo it. I know the tomatoes will appreciate it. Most of the tomato crops this year have failed and some of my friends have pulled theirs out, but after a shakey start most of mine are ok now and producing a nice crop, won't break any records and the bite size ones are poorly but I have been able to give heaps away already.
After putting lime on my garden I noticed the beans leaves going yellow, I looked it up on the net and if I have too much lime in the soil they get deficient in iron, but thankfully I only bought a small bag, so I didn't overdo it and I noticed all the garden has some plants with yellowing leaves. Maybe the drought has had a greater effect than I thought. I have wonderful trays of seedlings to go in or give away, I started planting some yesterday, lettuce, cucumber (bit too late though) beetroot and more spring onions. I have picked some rhubarb to encourage the rest to grow better, at the moment I am eating;
  • CORN
  • PEAS


  • and heaps and heaps of herbs

More photos next post, in fact mostly photos next time.

Sook for a Chook!

Well I never thought it would be possible for a chook to be so tempremental, but the 'Diva' has done it this time.

I tapped her slightly on the beak when she pecked Rough Red during breakfast, she has been just too bossy and poor Red is scared of her, since then she put herself on the nest and won't come off.

I don't know if she is eating or not, she would be sneaky enough to wait till I am out of sight! I put some mash in front of her beak today but she just set me with a steely look and outstared me....I tried to pat her and her feathers raised up on her neck and she tried to peck me....

I doubt if she is broody again...she is a first year layer and she was broody just last Dcember!

I put some lime on the garden, I am hoping it was an ok thing to do? It has made a difference already, the vegies are improving and we had a nice drop of rain 24 hours ago, 10ml and looks like more any moment.

I created a small creek at my back verandah on the spur of the moment. WOW it looks great. This is only part of it. More pics later when I have finished it off. Can you spot the massive big frog on the left?

I believed the woman in the Plant Nursery when she said I would need the stronger pump to go about 3m along the ground. That was totally wrong, the pump I came home with will pump water up 3m into the air in a fountain if I wanted it to, you don't need a 3m pump to just lay along the ground, but now I can put in a spectacular water fall later... I have the pump to do it. Shame about the water situation...
Now I am continuing the up grade of the back yard as money permits. I am thinking of forgoing my trip to Darwin in May, even though I paid for my ticket, I can do so much more with the spending money here.
If I find it all too cold I might pop up there for a week or so, the airfares are so cheap now that 'Tiger Airlines' are operating.

Just had to share this with you, She sits on the arm of my deck chair and goes to sleep with her head invisible but wakes instantly if I speak.This photo of Red seems to fascinate people!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

All peaceful in the Hen House!

I followed instructions for the vaseline treatment on Rough Reds scaley leg mite , I do it every second night. Shame the dust and dirt sticks to it so much, her legs are dam ugly now!

It seems to be working she is not picking at them as much now. But a word of warning.. don't wear light coloured or good clothing when you do it, the vaseline does not wash off!!!

As you can see the other girls are still very attractive but Red is not getting any better. In order is - Rough Red, Black Betty (doing her head spasm again) Bindi and The Diva in the foreground. The Diva is the same age and breed as Red, go figure!!

I bought a tin of cat food to help Reds' feathers grow in a hurry. They swooped on it and ate it in record time. I isolated Red for a sneaky feed this morning, I don't want to feed them canned food unless its for a reason, they are free range chooks, not fast food addicts!!
As you can see Red loves her dust bath to help with mites (if she has them) just like the others but it's not helping, I wonder if there is a non chemical way of treating mites, I heard that fire ash is good, it's very fine powder gets close to the skin and mites can't live through it.

Black Betty is still alive and is heaps better, not quite the same old bird though! That red back spider left it's mark I think. She has a spongy swollen crop most of the time, a lot larger than the others but her head spasm is leaving her. She is eating well and laying so she is fairly happy.

Everyone is having problems with growing vegies this summer, even the big supermarkets are having a problelm sourcing them, it's so dry, I planted a lettuce in a pot, it was growing well and was quite crisp, but very attractive to possums!!! I only have half a lettuce now!!

All my seedlings are doing really well, maybe I should just give up the garden and grow pots of vegies for the family, they will either look after them and take an interest or have to spend their hard earned dollars on second rate goods...

I have withdrawn the watering to some beans, I can't look at them when I am down in the garden, I almost feel like apologising! but I can't find any flowers on them and I certainly can't 'up the watering' to produce more flowers so they are the first to go :-(

No rain forcast so I am glad I like pasta, rice noodles and the odd spud I may have to live on them till the rain comes.

Glad I can't eat home grown chickens (too strong tasting) !!! Bet the girls are happy about that too!!! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mixed News!

Good news first! Betty is still alive and clucking but not quite the same after eating that red back spider, she has a funny neck spasm that makes her look rather odd when it happens, maybe nothing to do with the spider just a coincidence?

Poor Rough Red is running around ok now, but not very social with the others (bullying I think) my 'house mate' suggested that if I don't like to isolate her I should isolate the other 3 from her!!!!! he comes out with some little gems sometimes!

I picked Red up this morning and she is very light, losing weight I think will get some cat food tomorrow. A site I was on said it provided extra protein the chooks love it..and it encourages feathers to grow...

A lovely natured horse called Jack has revisited the far back yard. There is no grass anywhere in the paddocks around his home so instead of me mowing whats left of the grass, he gets a few days of feed here and I collect the droppings! I am allergic to horses (and dogs) but if I don't have close contact I can cope for awhile.

Had to order more water for the house this morning. It is supposed to rain in a couple of days but I can't go without my cup of coffee and even the chooks would be offended if I didn't shower till then!!!

The vegies survived but some of the smaller seedlings look a bit sad, maybe it is the hot sun and not the manure, the ground is hotter than 'real soil' I put grass clippings all over it and that helps but I soon move into some shade in the middle of the day so I can imagine how a small seedling feels.

I have a new passion during the hotter parts of the day to keep me busy.. collecting seed from vegies, plants herbs and trees and potting them up in the shade. I am having a lot of success and have given my family boot loads of plants herbs etc in large pots. Even put lettuces in big pots and sent them off....I'll let you know if that was succesfull.

All is not well in the hen house!

OOH Dear... it's a worrying time tonight! Rough Red is feelling poorly, she stands in the middle of the yard with her head tucked in under a wing, but she is eating ok and she laid an egg ...she is a worry....and Black Betty hasn't been herself since she ate the red back spider this morning. But if it was going to poison her she would have 'gone' by now...!
I know I have spoilt them, little treats all day keep them following my heels all the time...they love bread so it's not too hard to please them...but when they try and eat my bread coloured gardening gloves (while my hand is still in them)! and never leave me in peace if I have a sit down I think it's time to discipline them and have a designated feed point!!
I was going to isolate Rough Red but other sites have warned about isolating one chook over the others....they will pick on her when I put her back in...and poor thing she gets pecked all the time...not many feathers left now...but I stand there and stop her getting bullied while she eats...

I had some 4+ year old chook manure stored...I put some on the garden. I wonder if it is still too strong because no rain or weather has been on it...oh well will soon find out! :-)

Ran out of tank water to the house last night! now running on the 'emergency supply' seems weird watching Queensland flooding, with life, property and stock loss, while our little part of the world is supposed to be green and lush...but is dry and dusty.
Rain is forcast in about three days so I will go very gently on the water till then and just maybe get out of buying another load.

Now it has rained....!!

Last time I wrote it was

  • windy
  • hot
  • my tank was dry!

So I gave in and bought water for the vegie garden, so then it rained (Murphys Law)! My mum went halves with me because she enjoys eating homegrown vegetables and the rest of the family appreciate them too, when there is enough edible vegies or herbs to go around.

I am still learning how to cope with very little water and sometimes the lettuces etc look a little sad from lack of the wet stuff...

I have black sandy soil that will not retain water so I am big on composting and mulching, with the worm farm set up on the side you would think my garden was perfect...
not so, there are problems with weeds in the compost soil and more worms in my compost than my worm farm, even with mulch on top of the soil the water just keeps flowing straight through to china!!

My girls (chooks) are free range and fertilise everything - except the compost bin or my garden. They are not allowed to scratch around in there after I had to replant a whole bed of lettuces!

I am not one to give up so I will just keep making compost- minus the weed seeds- and spoil the worms in the worm farm more.
My favourite chook Rough Red, is not getting any prettier, she is the ugliest chook I have seen for a long time, but I love her dearly and she knows it!
I noticed her feet were getting worse, the scales were enlarged and lifting and she seemed to be pecking them, she kept comming up to me to get attention. So I 'Googled' the symptoms and she has scaley leg mite...nasty little mites burrow in and annoy her.
Treatment is easy, I don't go in for really strong chemicals but a smear of vaseline should do the trick, it takes a year for the scales to regrow normally poor thing just as well I don't have a rooster she would be embarrassed about the way she looks!!!!
I'm out of here, off to plant some capsicums
cool cloudy day with misty rain (gardeners favourite)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Free range chooks, home grown vegies what a life!

Here it is nearly two years since my last post and its hard to imagine what my life would have been like if 'plan A' had eventuated. I am still in my original home and will stay here now.Now Chooks, vegies, travel and surviving on tank water all form 'plan B'. My chook family keep me laughing and entertained, my vegies keep me healthy and my tank water woes keep me fit as I run around trying to stay ahead of it all!!!!

Let me introduce 'The Girls' (chooks);



and we couldn't forget the DIVA (real name Chickadee)

More about these charactors later, all I will say now is that, it is all well in the Hen House at the moment ...stay tuned though!!

THE VEGIE PATCH is up and running and providing goodies, there's a long way to go to feed the hungry of the world !!! but there has been some amazing produce come out of it. You just don't get that home grown taste from the supermarket. I've picked out a picture for you, of when it looked very lush and healthy on New Years Eve.

A Big Thank You to the Girls for all their assistance too!!! Scraps in one end manure out the other! But best of all organic bug catchers (and they keep the spiders from

running up my trouser legs too) !!!

Temperature- 29C

Wind- gale force

Water storage - empty!