Sunday, January 20, 2008

Now it has rained....!!

Last time I wrote it was

  • windy
  • hot
  • my tank was dry!

So I gave in and bought water for the vegie garden, so then it rained (Murphys Law)! My mum went halves with me because she enjoys eating homegrown vegetables and the rest of the family appreciate them too, when there is enough edible vegies or herbs to go around.

I am still learning how to cope with very little water and sometimes the lettuces etc look a little sad from lack of the wet stuff...

I have black sandy soil that will not retain water so I am big on composting and mulching, with the worm farm set up on the side you would think my garden was perfect...
not so, there are problems with weeds in the compost soil and more worms in my compost than my worm farm, even with mulch on top of the soil the water just keeps flowing straight through to china!!

My girls (chooks) are free range and fertilise everything - except the compost bin or my garden. They are not allowed to scratch around in there after I had to replant a whole bed of lettuces!

I am not one to give up so I will just keep making compost- minus the weed seeds- and spoil the worms in the worm farm more.
My favourite chook Rough Red, is not getting any prettier, she is the ugliest chook I have seen for a long time, but I love her dearly and she knows it!
I noticed her feet were getting worse, the scales were enlarged and lifting and she seemed to be pecking them, she kept comming up to me to get attention. So I 'Googled' the symptoms and she has scaley leg mite...nasty little mites burrow in and annoy her.
Treatment is easy, I don't go in for really strong chemicals but a smear of vaseline should do the trick, it takes a year for the scales to regrow normally poor thing just as well I don't have a rooster she would be embarrassed about the way she looks!!!!
I'm out of here, off to plant some capsicums
cool cloudy day with misty rain (gardeners favourite)

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