Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sook for a Chook!

Well I never thought it would be possible for a chook to be so tempremental, but the 'Diva' has done it this time.

I tapped her slightly on the beak when she pecked Rough Red during breakfast, she has been just too bossy and poor Red is scared of her, since then she put herself on the nest and won't come off.

I don't know if she is eating or not, she would be sneaky enough to wait till I am out of sight! I put some mash in front of her beak today but she just set me with a steely look and outstared me....I tried to pat her and her feathers raised up on her neck and she tried to peck me....

I doubt if she is broody again...she is a first year layer and she was broody just last Dcember!

I put some lime on the garden, I am hoping it was an ok thing to do? It has made a difference already, the vegies are improving and we had a nice drop of rain 24 hours ago, 10ml and looks like more any moment.

I created a small creek at my back verandah on the spur of the moment. WOW it looks great. This is only part of it. More pics later when I have finished it off. Can you spot the massive big frog on the left?

I believed the woman in the Plant Nursery when she said I would need the stronger pump to go about 3m along the ground. That was totally wrong, the pump I came home with will pump water up 3m into the air in a fountain if I wanted it to, you don't need a 3m pump to just lay along the ground, but now I can put in a spectacular water fall later... I have the pump to do it. Shame about the water situation...
Now I am continuing the up grade of the back yard as money permits. I am thinking of forgoing my trip to Darwin in May, even though I paid for my ticket, I can do so much more with the spending money here.
If I find it all too cold I might pop up there for a week or so, the airfares are so cheap now that 'Tiger Airlines' are operating.

Just had to share this with you, She sits on the arm of my deck chair and goes to sleep with her head invisible but wakes instantly if I speak.This photo of Red seems to fascinate people!!!

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